All ranking/seeding for all rounds and finals based on:
First: 2024 Waterski Pro Tour Ranking
Second: IWWF weekly ranking dated 08 April 2025
Waterski Pro Tour (WPT) ranking will always supersede IWWF ranking
(last on WPT ranking is better then first on IWWF ranking)
1st Round
Starting speed
Women: 14.25m / 55kph
Men: 13m / 58kph
Running order
Based on ranking best goes last
2nd Round
Starting speed
Women: 13m / 55kph
Men: 12m / 58kph
Running order
Reverse order from first round result and ties seeded as per ranking
Women: Top 6
Men: Top 8
based on single best result from the 2 rounds
In case of a tie for last spot, back-up score will count
If tie persists, all skiers tied for last place will enter the final
Starting speed
Women: 13m / 55kph
Men: 12m / 58kph
Tie for first place to be broken by a run-off
Ties for all other places to be broken by back-up scores and if perfect ties persist then no run-offs and placement and cash will be equally shared
otherwise IWWF Rules apply
No Cash to skiers not attending the award ceremony